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Extension for multi corer 71.500

71.500 - Extension for MC
71.500 EXT - Extension kit for 71.500 multi corer:

The 71.500 multi corer is recommended for shallow water only because of its small footprint. Adding the extension kit increases footprint to approx. 140 x 140 cm making it feasible for sampling on a larger depth.

Using the kit on older models requires drilling 4 pcs of 10 mm holes in the top plate.

  • All parts are made of AISI 316 stainless steel
  • Finish: Electro polish
  • The kit includes bolts, nuts and washers (not shown)
  • Weight: 45 kg



71.500 EXT - Extension kit for 71.500 Multi Corer. Increases footprint for higher stability.
71.500 - Multi Corer shown with the extension kit.
Every leg has a hinged foot plate, diameter Ø30 cm. Spacers between legs ensures high stability.